Chuỗi lạnh MCL - ITL cung cấp dịch vụ lưu trữ và phân phối
có kiểm soát nhiệt độ để bảo quản tươi ngon, chất lượng và an toàn của hàng hóa.
Chúng tôi cung cấp dịch vụ một cửa cho tất cả các yêu cầu
về chuỗi cung ứng lạnh.
Quản lý hàng tồn
Quản lý đơn
Hệ thống đặt hàng
trực tuyến
Trao đổi dữ liệu
điện tử EDI 2 chiều nhập xuất
Phân phối hàng hóa
và theo dõi toàn diện
Hoạt động
Vì sao nên chọn chúng tôi?
Tăng hiệu quả và lợi nhuận bằng cách sử dụng hệ
thống quản lý vận tải (TMS) và Hệ thống quản lý kho hàng (WMS) giúp đơn giản hóa chuỗi
cung ứng lạnh hàng ngày.
Hệ thống quản lý chất lượng được xây dựng dành
riêng cho ngành sản xuất thực phẩm, tuân thủ An toàn thực phẩm và HACCP.
Tối đa công suất xe tải và tiết kiệm chi phí, giảm
lượng khí thải carbon bằng cách tối ưu hóa tải trọng và tuyến đường. Theo dõi, truy xuất
và phân tích luồng vận tải hàng hóa. Toàn quyền kiểm soát chuỗi lạnh của bạn.
Vị trí kho hàng toàn quốc
Trung Tâm Tiếp Vận ITL LOGISTICS ĐÀ NẴNG: Lô X11, Đường 10B, KCN Hòa Khánh mở rộng, xã Hòa Liên,
huyện Hòa Vang, thành phố Đà Nẵng
Trung Tâm Tiếp Vận ITL LOGISTICS VSIP: 8, đường số 3, KCN VSIP1, huyện Thuận An, tỉnh Bình
Dương (đang xây dựng)
Trung Tâm Tiếp Vận ITL LOGISTICS TIEN SON: Lô 7, đường TS9, KCN Tiên Sơn, Tỉnh Bắc Ninh (đang xây
*Các dự án trung tâm phân phối hàng lạnh sắp ra mắt: Miền Nam và Miền Bắc Việt Nam
Chắc hẳn là nhiều bạn đang có ý định apply vào chương trình MTP của ITL thắc mắc
"liệu tham gia vào đây mình nhận được gì? Không biết môi trường ở đây như thế nào..."
Vậy thì hôm nay chúng ta hãy lắng nghe "người trong cuộc" chia sẻ nhé🥰🥰
“Trải qua hơn 10 tháng tại Tập đoàn ITL với vai trò là một MT, mình thật sự đã được
rèn luyện và nâng cao những kỹ năng, kiến thức có sẵn, đồng thời học hỏi được thêm các
kỹ năng mới mà bản thân chưa được trải nghiệm trước đó. Chương trình MTP tại ITL đã mở
ra cho mình một cánh cửa để mình có cơ hội cọ xát thực tế và tôi luyện bản thân ngày một
hoàn thiện hơn.
Nếu ai đó hỏi mình rằng mình muốn chia sẻ điều gì nhất khi trở thành một mảnh của
ITL với vai trò MT, mình sẽ không do dự kể cho các bạn 3 điều sau:
☝️ Điều đầu tiên mà bạn cảm nhận được chính là môi trường làm việc vô cùng chuyên
nghiệp và thân thiện. Tại ITL, các bạn sẽ luôn bắt gặp được hình ảnh chào hỏi và cười
nói của mọi người dành cho nhau. Từ cấp nhân viên cho đến các anh chị cấp Manager luôn
hiện hữu sự gắn kết và tôn trọng lẫn nhau vì mục tiêu chung hướng đến National Champion
mà tập đoàn đặt ra. ️🎯
✌️Điều thứ hai mà khiến mình thấy thích thú đó là cơ hội được tham gia các dự án mới
của Tập Đoàn ITL, và Sotrans Group và các công ty thành viên,liên doanh khác. Với một
người trẻ thừa nhiệt huyết nhưng còn thiếu về kinh nghiệm như mình thì đây là cơ hội vô
cùng quý giá.
✍️Điều cuối cùng là bạn lúc nào cũng trong trạng thái là luôn luôn được học. Chẳng
những bạn được đào tạo về kiến thức chuyên môn mà còn được huấn luyện về các kỹ năng cần
thiết tạo nên một nhà lãnh đạo tài giỏi. Ở ITL, bạn sẽ được trải nghiệm môi trường vừa
học tập, vừa làm việc chuyên nghiệp thông qua các buổi training với những chủ đề hấp dẫn
và cần thiết để có thể trở thành một Nhà Quản lý tài giỏi trong tương lai. Đặc biệt các
buổi training sẽ được chính các anh chị lãnh đạo cấp cao trực tiếp chia sẻ và hướng dẫn
để đội ngũ MT có cái nhìn tổng quan và thực tế hơn khi trở thành Quản lý. "
Mira Quyên
Stratergic Sales Executive
Xin chào các bạn,
Mình là Minh Thư (Milly) – một thành viên trong Đại gia đình ITL Family, và là một mảnh
ghép trong Chương trình Quản trị viên tập sự - Management Trainee Program thuộc ITL
Group. Hiện tại, sau 2.5 năm tham gia và hoàn tất chương trình MTP, mình đang phụ trách
vị trí Trưởng nhóm Kinh doanh khách hàng trọng điểm (Key Account Team Leader), thuộc
Phòng Kinh doanh chiến lược (Strategic Sales), khối Thương mại (Commercial) tại ITL
CORP. Nhìn lại 30 tháng vừa qua, khoảng thời gian học thật và làm thật ở vị trí MT, tuy
không quá dài, nhưng đủ để mình nhận thức và có cơ hội quản trị bản thân thật tốt vì với
mình, một Quản Trị Viên tập sự thành công không được đo bằng thước đo của cấp bậc quản
lý, mà được đánh giá bởi khả năng quản trị chính bản thân mình.
Hôm nay, mình viết bài này, với mong muốn chia sẻ lại hành trình lắng nghe, thấu hiểu và
quản trị bản thân từ một sinh viên năm 3 ngành Kinh doanh quốc tế tại Đại học Cần Thơ,
đến vị trí Trưởng nhóm tại một đơn vị dẫn đầu trong ngành công nghiệp vận tải trong khu
📍 1. Hiểu được mình là ai
Khi bắt đầu làm bất cứ công việc gì, bạn cũng cần quan tâm đến nguồn lực mà bạn đang có.
Và hơn hết, chính bạn là nguồn lực giá trị nhất mà bạn đang sở hữu. Ở những năm đầu Đại
học, mình từng rất mơ hồ về công việc sau khi tốt nghiệp của bản thân. Những ngày đầu
tiên ở ITL, mình đã tự hỏi chính mình hơn một lần mỗi ngày, rằng liệu mình có phù hợp
với công việc này như mình nghĩ. Và mình nhận ra rằng, việc lắng nghe và thấu hiểu chính
mình là vô cùng quan trọng. Chỉ khi bạn hiểu rõ điểm mạnh, điểm yếu của bản thân, nhận
thấy nhu cầu và xác định mục tiêu của mình một cách rõ ràng, bạn mới có được một kế
hoạch hợp lí và khả thi.
Ở môi trường Đại học, việc thấu hiểu bản thân giúp mình xác định được công việc phù hợp
với chính mình từ rất sớm và có kế hoạch chuẩn bị các kĩ năng và kiến thức cần thiết cho
công việc khá chi tiết và kĩ càng.
Khi trở thành MT tại ITL, thông qua bài học xác định “con nhím” từ anh Simon Thúc – một
trong những người thầy đầu tiên tại ITL của mình, mình vượt qua những trăn trở ngày đầu
và nắm bắt được yêu cầu công việc khá nhanh. Mình cũng nhận thức được những điểm thiếu
sót của bản thân, để cùng các anh Mentors, khắc phục và hạn chế những điểm yếu đó. Không
dừng lại ở đó, những “nhận thức” về chính mình giúp mình rất nhiều trong việc xây dựng
mục tiêu ngắn – trung – dài hạn cũng như xác định Nhiệm vụ cá nhân (Personal Mission
Statement – PMS) – hình mẫu mà mình muốn hướng đến.
📍 2. Luôn duy trì động lực
Là người trẻ, nhất là sinh viên năm cuối hay vừa ra trường, mình nghĩ, không gì tốt hơn
tìm cho bản thân một động lực để phấn đấu. Đó có thể là động lực xuất phát từ cá nhân
như mong muốn đạt được thành tích trong sự nghiệp, hay tài chính; cũng có thể là động
lực đến gia đình, đến từ các anh chị mentors quanh mình hay là động lực xuất phát từ
những áp lực tích cực.
Không phải chờ năm 2021, mà dường như, khái niệm peer pressure – Áp lực đồng trang lứa -
đã gắn liền với hầu hết các bạn trẻ, ở những bước đầu sự nghiệp, đặc biết là các bạn
tham gia chương trình MT. Với mình, áp lực đồng trang lứa tích cực chính là một nguồn
động lực hết sức hiệu quả mà mình luôn đã, đang và sẽ cố gắng duy trì trong tương lai.
Tuy nhiên, mình không chọn cách so sánh mình với bạn bè xung quanh, với vị trí hay thu
nhập mà họ đạt được. Mình hướng đến việc, mỗi ngày đều phải tốt hơn chính mình của hôm
qua. Mình cố gắng cải thiện bản thân, từ các thiếu sót trong công việc buổi đầu, từ
những nhận xét cho chính mình mà mình có được thông qua lời khuyên, góp ý của anh chị
đồng nghiệp, bạn bè hay là từ chính bản thân mình. Thông qua đó, không chỉ mình tự tạo
động lực cho chính mình mà còn cải thiện rất nhiều kĩ năng giao tiếp và lắng nghe mọi
người xung quanh.
📍 3. Kỷ luật – kiên trì nhưng không gò bó bản thân
Bất kỳ công việc nào cũng đòi hỏi sự kỷ luật và nghiêm túc. Nghe có vẻ rất “khuôn phép”
nhưng nếu, bạn chọn cách thỏa hiệp với chính mình, thì rất khó để đạt được mục tiêu mà
bạn đề ra, hay đơn giản chỉ là hoàn tất công việc đúng hạn. Mình học cách kỷ luật với
bản thân thông qua việc rèn những thói quen rất nhỏ như uống đủ nước, dành thời gian đọc
sách mỗi tuần hay những việc lớn hơn như hoàn thành một số mục tiêu đã định sẵn trong
tháng, trong năm.
Tính kỷ luật còn giúp mình quản lý tốt thời gian. Bằng việc phân chia những công việc
theo thứ tự ưu tiên, mình học được cách nói “không” với những việc chưa cần thiết hay
mất nhiều thời gian để hoàn thành nhưng không mang lại giá trị tương xứng – điều mà
những ngày đầu tiên bước chân vào môi trường chuyên nghiệp, mình chưa làm được.
Hơn thế nữa, tính kỷ luật còn giúp mình duy trì năng lượng của bản thân ở trạng thái tốt
nhất, giúp mình phân bổ được nguồn lực vào những việc được sắp xếp theo thứ tự quan
trọng – gấp rút mà mình ghi chú mỗi ngày.
Tuy nhiên, xây dựng kỷ luật không có nghĩa là loại bỏ yếu tố linh hoạt ra khỏi công việc
hằng ngày. Không hẳn kế hoạch nào vạch ra cũng khả thi và đi đúng theo lộ trình, không
phải nguyên tắc quản trị nào cũng phù hợp với tất cả các đối tượng. Nên sự linh hoạt,
biết thay đổi, tự điều chỉnh để phù hợp với môi trường, hoàn cảnh làm việc cũng là cách
hạn chế thỏa hiệp với sự cố chấp của bản thân.
📍 4. Cân bằng Công việc – Cuộc sống không có nghĩa là “chia đôi quỹ thời gian trong
Có rất nhiều quan điểm xung quanh vấn đề Work – Life Balance (Cân bằng giữa Công việc –
Cuộc sống), và hầu hết đều ủng hộ người trẻ, không nên đặt nặng việc cân bằng hai yếu tố
này. Và mình hoàn toàn đồng ý với quan điểm ở những bước đầu tiên trong sự nghiệp, cái
mà bạn cần đi tìm không phải là một công việc “trung bình” để nhường lại thời gian cho
những việc khác ngoài công việc. Cái mà bạn cần đi tìm là cơ hội có được công việc đúng
với thế mạnh bản thân, là môi trường cho bạn cơ hội học hỏi, phát triển bản thân, chuẩn
bị bản thân thật tốt để năm mười năm nữa không phải cứ ở chỗ “trung bình” ấy mãi.
Tuy nhiên, mình chọn cách cân bằng trong thái độ khi tận hưởng cả hai yếu tố công việc
và cuộc sống. Nếu như chúng ta xem công việc là khó khăn, thiếu hào hứng thì cán cân sẽ
ngày càng lệch và nặng nề. Ngược lại, khi bạn dành nhiều thời gian cho công việc nhưng
lại vô cùng tận hưởng nó cán cân sẽ dần đi về vị trí cân bằng dù khối lượng công việc
bạn xử lý có nhiều đến đâu. Một số cách để tận hưởng công việc của mình là tự tạo một
không gian làm việc năng động, kết nối với đồng nghiệp xung quanh để giảm căng thẳng,
hay nghĩ về hiệu quả, ý nghĩa của công việc này khi được hoàn tất.
Nhờ vậy mà năng suất công việc cũng được cải thiện đáng kể đó.
Những gì mình học được trong thời gian qua, không chỉ gói gọn trong 4 yếu tố quản trị
bản thân kể trên, đó còn là những bài học về kiến thức, về sự chia sẻ, về những người
luôn đồng hành bên mình mà nếu kể hết về những trải nghiệm, thì phải là một buổi hay cả
một ngày cũng chưa hết chuyện. Nhờ có ITL, có chương trình Quản trị viên tập sự tại công
ty, mà mình cơ hội được hiểu và phát triển năng lực bản thân nhanh hơn. Nếu thiếu đi sự
định hướng của các anh chị mentors, phải mất rất lâu nữa, mình mới thôi loay hoay và
nhận ra những điều mình vừa chia sẻ.
🔥Vì thế, mình mong muốn nhắn nhủ với những bạn còn đang ngần ngại, tự ti về bản thân
ngoài kia, là đừng để những áp lực vô hình, những nỗi sợ làm chùn bước bạn. Hãy cứ đi,
cứ học, cứ nỗ lực hết mình, tìm cho mình một môi trường giúp bạn định hướng và có cơ hội
va chạm với thực tế công việc ngay từ hôm nay. Chỉ cần quản lý bản thân hiệu quả cùng
với yếu tố hỗ trợ từ môi trường xung quanh, thành công trong công việc sẽ đến với bạn
một ngày không xa."
Milly Thư
Project Management Office
Về chúng
Liên hệ
Dịch vụ
Vì sao nên chọn
chúng tôi
Vị trí kho
As a salesperson, you will be responsible for
providing Dash shipping services to customers. You must have passion for selling service
to customers, you must be agile, inquisitive and motivated to achieve high performance
Promoting sales.
Promoting Dash image for the Ho Chi Minh transport market as well as
Meeting regularly with customers to understand their business
requirements and provide solutions to their freight service needs.
Accelerating company profits by increasing shipping volume and finding
new customers.
Developing new business segments of existing customers.
Preparing monthly/quarterly business development plan.
Enthusiasm and passion for the job
Work independently and ability to work under high pressure.
Major in Economics, Logistics Managemen, Transport Economics, etc.
Finding Customers and accelerating sales
Introducing services, promoting the image of the Road Transport Center
(FTL) for the transportation market in Ho Chi Minh City as well as in
Meeting regularly with customers to understand business requirements and
address those needs by all means
Receiving customer requirements, coordinating with operations and
business solutions department to have a reasonable and optimal solution
for customers to sell services (signing contracts)
Finding out customer inquiries with Customer Service Team, warehouse
staff to meet customer needs.
Developing new business segments of existing customers or stakeholders
with other products of the ITL Group Management Trainee/ ITL Group
Making monthly/quarterly business development plan
Strictly following company guidelines and policies
Other duties as assigned
University degree in commerce, business administration, or related
English level: good communication, confident, able to answer emails,
communicate directly with foreign customers.
Using MS office fluently
Excellent communication, problem solving and teamwork skills
Good listening and observing skills.
Agile and responsive
Passion for doing sales in the field of trucking and logistics
Responsible for coordinating Warehouse activities to ensure the achievement of
such as indicators workforce Utilization, inventory accuracy, On time
deliveries, productivity …
Setup layout and ensure efficient space/workforce utilization by workforce
assignment & Transport coordinator tool.
Contact and negotiate with suppliers and transport companies
Keep track of KPI, quality, quantity, stock levels, delivery times, transport
costs in daily operation.
Strategically plan Volume, HR, Productivity …..
Strategically plan and manage logistics, warehouse, transportation and customer
service in the inventory team, design strategy and set goals for growth.
5/ Cost
Ensure effective management and takes responsibility for P&L, cost and
revenue management and controls/supervises consolidated budget. Maintain budgets
and optimize expenses
Arrange and plan the warehouse, catalog goods, plan routes, and process
Follow up SOP/IOP/KPI….
Bachelor Degree in logistics, supply chain management, business administration
or relevant fields
Knowledge of international warehouse, transportation, warehousing Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Expertise in warehouse management procedures and best practices
Speak and writing fluently in English and Vietnamese.
Budget control
Proven ability to implement process improvement initiatives
Leadership skills and ability manage staff
Strong decision-making and problem solving skills
Cold Chain
Operation Executive
Handling, updating goods information, answering questions of assigned customers.
Manage the work related to the eTMS system. Ensure service quality, ensure KPI
agreed with customers and projects
Develop a service implementation plan. Coordinate with OPS for effective project
Develop the implementation plan by day, week, month, year. Ensure efficient use
of internal or external resources to ensure service quality.
Make Performance reports as required (day, week, month).
Graduate students or less than 2 years of experience
GPA from 7.0/10
English and computer skills.
Progressive, eager to learn and proactive in work.
Planning & Solution Executive
• Owning more than 60 container trucks and 100 trailers, distributed in two North
and South regions.
• Bringing high-quality road transportation solutions to help customers have many
valuable choices.
• The plan is to continuously develop the operation apparatus as well as the
domestic and cross-border road transport segment within the next three years.
SOTRANS Logistics' road transport services include:
• Full truck load (FTL)
• Less-than-truck load (LTL)
• Nationwide distribution network
• Cross-border transportation service (VN-China/VN-Cambodia and Laos)
• Comprehensive insurance
• The integrated solution includes warehousing, distribution, freight management and
customer services.
SOTRANS Log's customers:
• The World's Largest FMCG Companies
• Leading manufacturers and importers in Vietnam.
In addition, the STL is capable of meeting road, rail, long-distance,
short-distance, transit or distribution requirements. STL constantly supports and
invests in facilities to provide the leading road service in Vietnam.
Managing customer, supplier and employee data (creating new information,
updating information on the system)
Managing output and input contracts
Checking input documents and accounting on the software, tracking next steps and
keeping records
Managing industry codes, cases and fee codes
Managing and tracking receivables and payables
Tax &
Declaring and preparing tax documents for managers’ approval
Comparing and monitoring the implementation of tax obligations.
Preparing a payment profile after completing the approval steps
Making payment orders and submitting to all levels for payment approval
Keeping records
Monitoring loans and loan status of the whole Group.
Preparing documents according to the requirements of banks.
& projects:
Supporting collecting data from the management reports of departments in the
Collecting market information for the purpose of assessing the feasibility of
the Group's investment projects
Collecting project information as required as a basis for feasibility assessment
(NPV, IRR, Payback period)
Supporting review of management reports
Collecting information to prepare consolidated reports
Supporting reports related to information disclosure on the stock exchange
Supporting and establishing processes/policies issued by the Finance and
Accounting Department.
Having professional knowledge in financial accounting, accounting
Logical thinking skills, the ability to identify and analyze problems.
Communication, behavior and persuasion skills.
Skills in organizing, assigning, arranging and arranging work, knowing how to
establish priorities and important work
Skills in managerial analyzing
Ability to build effective teamwork.
Using MS Office, accounting software fluently
Good command of English
Management Accountant
description: Management
Project Executive
Receiving customer information from the relevant department.
Establishing business plans for new customers.
Establishing relationships with customers, find ways to increase
Participating and coordinating new activities and projects.
Receiving information from customers.
Finding Vendors that match customer's needs.
Receiving feedback on service quality.
Coordinating transportation activities to increase revenue of
Conducting surveys, learning about new market segment activities, new
projects such as DC, Bonded, DG, etc., ready to participate and upgrade
themselves for these market segments.
Having knowledge of warehouse processes, goods characteristics
Making data reports by customer monthly, quarterly, annually according
to requests of Team Leader, Head of Department, Division Director
With 45 years of experience and a warehouse system of more than 230,000m2 located in
convenient locations, Sotrans Logistics provides the most convenient services for all
types of goods in the logistics chain of customers.
Sotrans Logistics' warehouses have convenient traffic locations, and is suitable for
storing and distributing goods and production materials. Especially, the warehouses in
Thu Duc area have a convenient river port system for distributing goods to the provinces
by waterway, as well as storing and transporting special items such as cement, iron and
steel, fertilizers, bulky goods difficult to transport by road. River ports also help
solve the current road traffic congestion problem, ensuring goods arrive at customers'
distribution points on time.
In addition, Sotrans Logistics can also meet the warehouse needs for each specific
location that customers require to help optimize the process of storage and
transportation for customers.
Those who are passionate about operating in the Warehousing sector, when applying
for the position of Warehouse MT, will get a professional working environment, training
and guidance from seniors with many years of experience in providing solutions in
Warehouse in Logistics, helping you access and put into practice the knowledge you have
Understanding customer needs, maintaining and developing business relationships
with customers; meeting customers, making quotations, making contracts.
Coordinating with the operation department to analyze and provide solutions,
suitable and effective prices for projects; visiting and taking care of assigned
or new customers in order to listen to their wishes; working with customer
service and operations departments to find solutions to improve service quality
and improve customer satisfaction, especially large customers/project
Working with the sales staff of ITL Group Management Trainee/ ITL Group MT
to sell trucking services to customers.
Coordinating with customer service teams, operations department during the test
run phase of the project to build a set of standard operating procedures for
each specific project and then transfer it to the operation department.
Managing customers’ contracts, Price addendums and Quotations and keeping track
of customer payments according to contract deadlines
University degree in Commerce, Business Administration, or related majors
Good command of English: confident, able to answer emails, communicate directly
with foreign customers.
Using MS office software fluently
Excellent communication, problem solving and teamwork skills
Good listening and observing skills
Process inspection orders, cancelled orders & credit memos
Run various reports for the Warehouse Manager; Assist with problem solving
Day to day customer service problem solving i.e. date entry errors, customer
complaints and questions
Set up new customers and coordinate codes with accounting
Assure receipts are entered and billed properly and that orders flow evenly to
Train/supervise customer service staff
Monitor and place orders for all forms, office supplies & labels
Monitor supplies for office as well as faxes, printers and copy machine
Process and review daily sales numbers to corporate accounting
Monitor that mail is processed promptly and efficiently
Troubleshoot all computer and phone problems before reporting to IT
Miscellaneous billing to be entered & processed daily
Review and update open order reports
Coordinate month-end and mid-month renewals & accessorial with accounting
Understand and follow all food safety procedures and policy.
Bachelor, Associates Degree or equivalent for two-year College or technical
school and 2+ years of experience in a Warehouse or in a Distribution Center
Computer knowledge required
Must be able to work independently as well as in a team environment
Willingness to work weekends occasionally and travel to remote offices as
Must have a solid work ethic, excellent interpersonal skills, and ability to
work well with others
Excellent customer service, phone skills and professional demeanor required
Ability to multitask, prioritize and change direction mid-stream
Good problem solving skills; ability to visualize a problem or situation and be
creative to find solutions
Good communication cannot be overstated.
Cold chain
Customer service Executive
Main Tasks &
Developing and maintaining favorable oversea agent relationships
Seeking for new opportunities to approach new business partners in certain
territories to keep sustainable business development
Working collaboratively with Other Teams to develop an overall business plan,
which will maximize opportunities and generate sales activity with customers and
agent partners.
Managing day-to-day customer and requests
Request/manage credit limits and payment terms for customers/Agents
Acting as a key resource for competitor analysis
Enhancing leadership ability
Every individual is a leader
Bachelor's degree in Logistics, International Trade or relevant
Ability to work independently
Ability to solve problems and follow up with issues
Commercial department provide solutions for
Integrated Logistics, Warehousing, Freight Management and Distribution. By playing an
essential role in our clients’ businesses and delivering best-in-class value added
services throughout the supply chain, we strive for complete customer satisfaction at
all times
Training and learning all process when handling shipment of sea freight and
other related services
Support procedures, receive and respond to customers.
Collaborate with Sea team to come up with strategies to develop products and
Maintaining customer relations and works closely with internal teams to meet
customer’s KPI
Contact and negotiate with suppliers and vendor companies
Follow up SOP/IOP/KPI….
Resolve customer problems and complaints
Organize files and documents, submit documents and transfer to relevant
Perform other duties as assigned
University degree, major in the relevant fields
English with fluent 4 skills
Good at Internet, MS Office (Excel, Word, Power Point)
Good skill of Interpersonal communication and Customer Service
Ability to work under pressure and have good team work and regular job rotation
Good with figures, responsible, careful, detail-oriented, dynamic and
Sea Freight Customer Services
Training and learning all process when handling shipment of air freight and
other related services
Support procedures, receive and respond to customers
Collaborate with Air team to come up with strategies to develop products and
Maintaining customer relations and works closely with internal teams to meet
customer’s KPI
Contact and negotiate with suppliers and vendor companies
Follow up SOP/IOP/KPI….
Resolve customer problems and complaints
Organize files and documents, submit documents and transfer to relevant
Perform other duties as assigned
University degree, major in the relevant fields
English with fluent 4 skills
Good at Internet, MS Office (Excel, Word, Power Point)
Good skill of Interpersonal communication and Customer Service
Ability to work under pressure and have good team work and regular job rotation
Good with figures, responsible, careful, detail-oriented, dynamic and
ITL Log is a member of ITL Group in its plan to
develop an integrated Supply and Distribution Chain.
In striving to satisfy customer’s diverse demand with a nationwide warehouse chain
from North to South, including Dry WH specialized in CFS, BWH, DC, Cold-Chain WH and
Distribution Trucking, ITL LOG aims to be one of ITL’s greatest engines in the Group’s
journey to become a successful integrated Logistics model.
In addition, to pin-point customer’s needs, ITL LOG had built up an incredibly
effective organization chart involving 03 main departments: Commercial – responsible for
searching, connecting and supporting potential customers, Business Solution –
responsible for analyze, assessing and designing the most fitting solutions to
customers’ requirements and Operations - responsible for maintaining an accurate, cost
effective and productive standard in handling customer’s cargoes. Each team possesses a
different mission, but offers the same learning opportunity and equal contribution to
the company’s success.
For these reasons, ITL LOG always welcome the youthful energy of newly graduates who
share our mindset of “No Pain No Gain”, who strive to align with our core values in
order to build a win – win relationship with our partners, vendors and clients, … to
achieve the final goal of being the National Champion.
ITL Logistics – the newest business unit of ITL Group specializes in providing
warehouse services in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi and Da Nang with 350,000 warehouse square
meters, more than 300 small trucks and over 50,000 cold-chain pallets. Our current
short-term goal for 2022 – 2023 is to become a leading company for Cold Chain service in
Vietnamese Logistics market.
In which over 80,000 warehouse square meters in Bac Ninh, Hanoi. Our locations are
closed to all large industrial zones which easily accessible to nearest ports and
airports for convenient transportation and supply chain process. With proven experience
in handling projects in different conditions and locations, our team can provide unique
solution to speed up delivery and smoothen business stable and most competitive rates
with flexible shipment options.
Each ITL Logistics member shares the same DNA of “No Pain No Gain”, striving to
provide the best warehouse service for our customers, to build a win – win relationship
with our partners and vendors, to achieve the final goal of being the National Champion.
We always welcome talented youths and look for future leaders to train and develop
their careers in ITL Logistics. You will have the opportunity to gain hands-on
experience with multiple warehouse models such as Container Freight Station (CFS),
Distribution Center (DC) or Bonded Warehouse (BWH), and Cold-Chain. In addition, we
offer you the chance to learn valuable management lessons from our team of adept mentors
equipped with years of skills and knowledge in the field.
Receiving and checking customers’ orders
Preparing customs declaration dossiers and making import and export declarations
on Ecus customs declaration software
Making import/export slips for warehouses
Updating status of import and export goods, handling arising problems and timely
Monitoring import and export goods
Tracking progress of declaration progress, shipping, and receiving shipments
Making monthly debit note to collect money from customers
Preparing revenue reports, expense reports and quarterly reports for customers
University degree, major in the relevant fields
English with fluent 4 skills
Good at Internet, MS Office (Excel, Word, Power Point)
Good skill of Interpersonal communication and Customer Service
Ability to work under pressure and have good team work and regular job rotation
Good with figures, responsible, careful, detail-oriented, dynamic and
Carrying out inspection and supervision to assure technical safety quality and
aesthetics of transportation means before commencing and during of the process
of providing services to customers.
Examine whether or not comply strictly with Company Operating Policy, Procedure
Performing stock take of assets suprisingly, periodly, regularly to ensure asset
management ( Transportation means) is suitable, effiency , effectiveness and
recommend to increase using resource's capacity
Assure that current operating in real is comply with current law, regulation and
recommend to fix it in case of any defect
Recommendation to minimize waste, improve the usability of the property as
transportation means
Received other duties from Line Manager to perfom
Weekly inform any defect to Line Manager and Send Report Monthly
No more than 2 years of experience in related field, experience in logisitics
industrial is preferred
Be responsible, honest, careful and active in the job.
Good health, careful, diligent, responsible, creative
Technical Audit
Research and perform the basic work of Accounts Receivable (AR) function &
Accounts Payable (AP) function.
Participating in projects (new business projects, deploying new
software/expanding existing software …).
Participating courses related in soft skills and essential skills of future
Bachelor’s Degree in accounting/ Audit/ Finance
Speak and writing fluently in English and Vietnamese
Leadership skills and ability manage staff
Strong decision making and problem solving skills
At Accounting and Finance Department – ITL Corp, we have the
following things:
- Enthusiastic staff, work hard - play hard.
- Meticulous staff who check data and documents carefully
- Responsible staff, but not shy.
- Employees are not afraid of difficulties; we will overcome difficulties and make
any kind of reports.
- Day by day, we work with numbers and figures
- Overcoming all deadlines with the motto: we are afraid of nothing except for not
completing KPIs
When becoming MT of Finance and Accounting Department, you will:
Learn, experience and grow with the team
Be trained, oriented and with a clear roadmap.
Work in a super professional environment, with super fun colleagues, with a super
nice boss.
Participate in training courses, workshops, company activities, programs for the
Preparing document for project bidding in the following industries: Oil and Gas,
Thermal Power, Hydropower, Transformers, Refinery and Petrochemicals, Large
Structure Components, etc.
Preparing documents, coordinating, arranging, and participating in meetings with
project leaders
Supporting in project coordination and implementation with other departments
Working on projects at home and abroad.
Preparing contracts and other documents for contract signing with partners
University degree in Commerce, Business Administration or related discipline.
Honesty, Dynamic/hardworking, ability to work independently, enthusiastic and
responsible for work
Being interested in transportation and installation in the following industries:
Oil & Gas, Thermal Power, Hydropower, Wind Power, Refinery and
Petrochemical, Large Structure Components, Transformers, etc.
Being able to participate in business trips
Sales Executive
With the MT 2023 program, when joining the Sales team at
Vietranstimex (VTX) - one of the leading multimodal transport companies in Vietnam and
the region, MTs will have the opportunity to experience working and learning in the
industry so how is the environment?
Vietranstimex is a leading provider of wind power transportation and installation
services in Vietnam and the region with more than 45 years of construction and
development. Vietranstimex is honored to always be in the Top 50 World Top Heavy
Transport Companies continuously from 2011 to present (36th position in 2020).
Vietranstimex has its head office in Ho Chi Minh City and many branches in Hanoi,
Hai Phong, Da Nang, etc.
With a team of highly specialized, skilled and experienced personnel along with a
large volume of modern machinery and equipment, Vietranstimex is confident to be able to
serve the maximum load demand and provide customers with leading professional wind power
equipment transportation and installation services in the market today with outstanding
advantages in many aspects.
Direct production and business activities:
Business divisions (Petroleum & large components; Transformers; Wind power….).
Sales and Service Division.
Project division.
Typical wind power projects:
Binh Thuan Wind Power (2006)
Dam Nai Wind Power (2017)
Trung Nam Wind Power (2018)
Tay Nguyen Wind Power (2018)
Gelex 1,2,3, Huong Phung 2,3; Huong Linh 7.8 (2021)
Phong Lieu Wind Power (2021)
Hoang Hai Wind Power, Tai Tam Wind Power (2021)
Cuu An Wind Power (2021)
Operation Executive
Having knowledge of Customs, import and export, foreign trade, import
and export industry
Skills such as reading comprehension, accurate document analysis,
analysis, logical thinking, data management, teamwork
English level: TOEIC 500
Proficient in Word, Excel, and Power Point
Problem-solving skills
Communication skills
Processing import and export documents to provide a complete set of
documents for the OPS department
Notifying information, progress of goods, and delivery status to
customers to meet customer requirements
Managing delivery progress, keeping documents to hand over to customers
and participating in post-inspection work
Reporting to the team leader
The Operation Department provides a variety of
customs clearance - forwarding - transportation solutions for import and export goods in
the dynamic developing market of Vietnam, which will be a great opportunity for you to
promote and sharpen your knowledge and skills, accumulate experience, broaden your
knowledge of the Vietnamese and global economy.
Let's join the Operation Department with the motto “Work hard-play hard”
Interesting figures of the Operation Department:
• 1 Vietnam's first customs agent
• 6 operating offices in Can Tho - HCM - Binh Duong Province - Dong Nai Province -
Hai Phong Province - Mong Cai Province
• 100 employees in offices from Can Tho Province to Mong Cai City
• 120 culturally diverse customers, continuously expanding
• 80,000 TEUs of containers, 15,000 sets of CO completed in 2020
Domestic Transportation
DASH Dash Logistics is a member of IndoTrans
logistics Group (ITL Corp). With the strength of a fleet of container trucks and
2-storey specialized vehicles, we specialize in transporting Less-than-container load
(LCL) and Full Container Load (FCL) by road to meet the needs of lots of customers. We
deliver reliable, innovative transportation solutions that tailor the needs of our
customers to increase operational productivity with maximum efficiency. With DASH
Logistics, we ensure the safety of your goods anytime, anywhere and always be on time.
Being a branch of ITL Corporation, the ROAD TRANSPORT CENTER has been founded aiming
to provide high quality Container Transportation for potential market in Vietnam and
We are FTL, confident with our huge fleet capacity combining with discipline and
experienced team, our customers always receive qualified service in terms of speed and
We proudly to be chosen by local and global companies to provide container transport
for their on-going growth in Vietnam and Indochina.
CAPACITY With 20 years of experiences in logistics and big delivery
capacity with more than 200 trucks and more than 400 dedicated chassis, ITL ready to
fulfill all clients’ demand in trucking delivery services with the special values:
- Provide diversity trucking services about Import-Export Inland Transport
- Full services for Inventory Transfer and On-spot Import-Export
- Flexible solutions for Long-haul Inland Container Trucking
- Major volume Project with variable and competitive price quotation
- Cross Border with Direct License
ITL cares "Safety" and "Environment Protection" so we build a
professional driver team, having a positive attitude, a good manner, caring about the
society and community to have skills and knowledge to meet with the increasing demands
of the market.
In particular, ITL has been received the GFA Label Leaf Level Two from the Green
Freight Asia after the process of striving to achieve GFA’s requirements on vehicle
maintenance, emissions to the environment and skills for our drivers through training
& TECHNOLOGY SYSTEM ITL is proud of owning ICT team to
build our own application for controlling delivery from receiving customer's booking to
finish delivery. With e-TMS application in website and mobile phone.
Tracked and traced by global positioning system mounted on all vehicles (GPS):
Update status of all booking quickly; And provide Proof Of Delivery and scanned document
to customer quickly by Mobile app.
A cold chain is
a supply chain with a difference.
The Cold Chain refers to the management of products that need to stored and
transported at stable temperatures throughout the supply chain
The cold chain provides a safe, temperature-controlled environment for sensitive
items such as fresh and frozen food produce, beverages, pharmaceutical products,
biologics, chemicals, and vaccines from the point of manufacture to point of use.
At the root of it, the Cold Chain is a series of logistic management steps taken to
protect the integrity and quality of certain types of perishable products. These steps
range in product preparation, storage and the transport itself.
The main elements are:
1. Storage – the transport begins with the storage of the products in a refrigerated
facility. These tend to be equipped with refrigerated containers, chillers, cold boxes,
cold rooms, and blast freezers, among other things
2. Packaging – The products have lower risks of contamination if they are properly
packaged. This also increases the energy efficiency throughout the whole chain. To
ensure proper packaging, refrigerants are used, which include dry ice, gel packs, phase
change materials, Styrofoam or gel bricks.
3. Monitoring – Careful monitoring of the conditions during all steps of the cold
chain is essential. Cold Chain managers can monitor things like temperatures and
environmental parameters. Nowadays, digital software for the management of transport are
integral to monitoring the data collected by the sensors stationed throughout the supply
4. Delivery – The final step of the Cold Chain is the delivery of the product – and
this step may or may not involve the provision of temperature-controlled equipment by
the transport operators. This depends on the preferences of the buyers and end-users.
The Cold Chain has a set of standardized temperature ranges that helps transport
operators determine which methods are most appropriate for the transport of their
1. Ambient – temperatures range between 15 degrees to 25 degrees Celcius
2. Chill – temperatures range between 2 and 4 degrees Celcius
3. Frozen – temperatures range between -10 and -20 degrees Celcius
4. Deep frozen – temperatures range between -25 and -30 degrees Celcius
5. Ultra low – temperatures fall below -70 degrees Celcius
ITL, a leading logistics company, now provide a cold chain with one stop solution
from end to end. We build an uninterrupted supply system that maintains the quality of
products from production through to transportation, distribution, storage, and retail by
using temperature-controlled environments.
We apply technology WMS, TMS for real time inventory and logistics management of
every link in the cold chain to identify incidents immediately and to reduces wastage,
guarantee the product’s safety and quality, help to mitigate any damages or delays.
ITL will bring our leading services to hold the life of your goods with the right
temperature, the on time delivery and care all your concerns.
ITL Log is a
member of ITL Group in its plan to develop an integrated Supply and Distribution
In striving to satisfy customer’s diverse demand with a nationwide warehouse chain
from North to South, including Dry WH specialized in CFS, BWH, DC, Cold-Chain WH and
Distribution Trucking, ITL LOG aims to be one of ITL’s greatest engines in the Group’s
journey to become a successful integrated Logistics model.
In addition, to pin-point customer’s needs, ITL LOG had built up an incredibly
effective organization chart involving 03 main departments: Commercial – responsible for
searching, connecting and supporting potential customers, Business Solution –
responsible for analyze, assessing and designing the most fitting solutions to
customers’ requirements and Operations - responsible for maintaining an accurate, cost
effective and productive standard in handling customer’s cargoes. Each team possesses a
different mission, but offers the same learning opportunity and equal contribution to
the company’s success.
For these reasons, ITL LOG always welcome the youthful energy of newly graduates who
share our mindset of “No Pain No Gain”, who strive to align with our core values in
order to build a win – win relationship with our partners, vendors and clients, … to
achieve the final goal of being the National Champion.
ITL Logistics – the newest business unit of ITL Group specializes in providing
warehouse services in Ho Chi Minh City, Ha Noi and Da Nang with 350,000 warehouse square
meters, more than 300 small trucks and over 50,000 cold-chain pallets. Our current
short-term goal for 2022 – 2023 is to become a leading company for Cold Chain service in
Vietnamese Logistics market.
Each ITL Logistics member shares the same DNA of “No Pain No Gain”, striving to
provide the best warehouse service for our customers, to build a win – win relationship
with our partners and vendors, to achieve the final goal of being the National Champion.
We always welcome talented youths and look for future leaders to train and develop
their careers in ITL Logistics. You will have the opportunity to gain hands-on
experience with multiple warehouse models such as Container Freight Station (CFS),
Distribution Center (DC) or Bonded Warehouse (BWH), and Cold-Chain. In addition, we
offer you the chance to learn valuable management lessons from our team of adept mentors
equipped with years of skills and knowledge in the field.
department provide solutions for Integrated Logistics, Warehousing, Freight
Management and Distribution. By playing an essential role in our clients’ businesses
and delivering best-in-class value added services throughout the supply chain, we
strive for complete customer satisfaction at all times
When you are a member of ITL as Commercial Business Analyst & project
coordinator position, you will have opportunity to:
- Work with C level. This is wonderful chance to learn and approach professional
working and business and market information
- Analyze data relating to sales performance and customers, prepare biddings and
customer presentations … to support for potential business growth
- Closely work with other management level to prepare new sales material and
organize Commercial events
- Be an assistant for Vice President of Commercial to arrange meetings, meetings
minutes, overseas customers and travel arrangements …
ITL Log is a
member of ITL Group in its plan to develop an integrated Supply and Distribution
In striving to satisfy customer’s diverse demand with a nationwide
warehouse chain from North to South, including Dry WH specialized in CFS, BWH, DC,
Cold-Chain WH and Distribution Trucking, ITL LOG aims to be one of ITL’s greatest
engines in the Group’s journey to become a successful integrated Logistics model.
In addition, to pin-point customer’s needs, ITL LOG had built up an incredibly
effective organization chart involving 03 main departments: Commercial – responsible for
searching, connecting and supporting potential customers, Business Solution –
responsible for analyze, assessing and designing the most fitting solutions to
customers’ requirements and Operations - responsible for maintaining an accurate, cost
effective and productive standard in handling customer’s cargoes. Each team possesses a
different mission, but offers the same learning opportunity and equal contribution to
the company’s success.
For these reasons, ITL LOG always welcome the youthful energy of newly graduates who
share our mindset of “No Pain No Gain”, who strive to align with our core values in
order to build a win – win relationship with our partners, vendors and clients, … to
achieve the final goal of being the National Champion.
ITL Logistics – the newest business unit of ITL Group specializes in providing
warehouse services in Ho Chi Minh City, Ha Noi and Da Nang with 350,000 warehouse square
meters, more than 300 small trucks and over 50,000 cold-chain pallets. Our current
short-term goal for 2022 – 2023 is to become a leading company for Cold Chain service in
Vietnamese Logistics market.
Each ITL Logistics member shares the same DNA of “No Pain No Gain”, striving to
provide the best warehouse service for our customers, to build a win – win relationship
with our partners and vendors, to achieve the final goal of being the National Champion.
We always welcome talented youths and look for future leaders to train and develop
their careers in ITL Logistics. You will have the opportunity to gain hands-on
experience with multiple warehouse models such as Container Freight Station (CFS),
Distribution Center (DC) or Bonded Warehouse (BWH), and Cold-Chain. In addition, we
offer you the chance to learn valuable management lessons from our team of adept mentors
equipped with years of skills and knowledge in the field.
The Technical Commitee belongs to the ITL
Logistics Corp. Its main functions and tasks are technical and economic management in
all technical related fields in logistics operations (engineering, mechanical
facilities, technical equipment, specialized machinery, infrastructure of factories and
warehouses, etc.); advising the Board of Directors on procurement of equipment for new
investment and assessment of equipment for liquidation; participating in the process of
finding suppliers such as: insurance, spare parts, garage, fuel, etc. Thereby, they help
control and optimize technical costs, bringing high efficiency in economic activities in
logistics through growth indicators of member units. In addition, the committee also has
many other professional activities such as: joint technical training, legal, accident
handling, etc.
In the context of the Corp's strong development in recent years in both quality and
quantity, the Technical Committee needs to develop human resources to supplement the
core human resources with sufficient skills, qualities and professional ethics to take
the technical control manager position assigned at many member units of the Corp.
Through Management Trainee Program, the Technical Committee expects to find suitable
factors to contribute to the overall development of the organization.
The Finance and Accounting Department of Sotrans
Holding and Sotrans Logistics is a department with more than 20 dynamic and young
members. The Finance and Accounting Department always maintains weekly sharing and
learning activities to create development opportunities for potential young employees.
Functions of the Finance Department:
• Manage and operate accounting/tax functions
• Support financial assessment through business activities of the units
• Financial reports, management reports
• Control the budget
• Standardize of accounting processes/policies
• Make plans of financial business plan and strategy. CAPEX investment. Asset
Contribute the team performance by supporting field sales on their daily, urgent
action and maintaining Key Account customers.
Construction communicate with colleague and products team to get smartest and
most effective commercial target.
Be responsible to report business transaction that have negative impact to the
Legal aspect as compliance (not abetting the negative behaviors that adversely
affect the reputation and finance of the company).
Study hard to become Key Account Executive/ Strategic Sales Executive, complete
all the assigned tasks and participate in other activities such as CSR, Trade
unions, self-learning.
Report daily/weekly/monthly to Account Manager
Other tasks assigned by line Manager.
University graduation in Economics, Logistics, International Trade or relevant.
Good Knowledge of International Freight Forwarding, logistics industrial,
logistics and foreign trade
Strong business sense and ability to reach sales targets with data analysis
Ability to work independently, solve problems and follow up with issues
Fluent at English (listening, speaking, reading comprehension, writing).
Good communication and building relationship (teamwork)
Good customer service mindset.
Self-allocating resourcing
Creating professional working environment
Open-minded, aware of differences culturally and self-motivated